2013年 第1讲 总第293讲
题目:The role of cultural intermediaries in the shaping of consumer tastes: Examples from the wine market
主讲人:Dr. Jennifer Beryl Smith
Sociologist of consumption,Deputy Academic Programme Director,University of Leicester,UK
评议人一:Dr Clifton Evers,
Faculty Doctoral Programme Director, Arts and Education
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Cultural intermediaries represent a key aspect for understanding the formation, organization and ongoing reproduction of consumer markets. The seminar introduces the concept of cultural intermediaries, which draws on the work of Pierre Bourdieu, and more recent work in the field of economic sociology. Through their work in shaping perceptions of cultural legitimacy and "good taste", cultural intermediaries perform the material and symbolic work of constructing consumer cultures: they are both taste leaders and taste makers. Drawing from my research on wine writers, distributors, retailers and other cultural intermediaries in the wine market, I examine how cultural intermediaries are implicated in the construction of value in the elite wine market. In particular, I focus on how provenance—where, how, by whom and/or when a product is produced—is used by cultural intermediaries as a device to create value and distinction for some wines, and helped gain legitimacy for less established, New World wines. Such an approach to studying the wine market—and consumer culture more generally—highlights the accomplished, socially-constructed nature of elite taste, and the seminar concludes by considering the particular insights that the study of cultural intermediaries offers to an understanding of the emergence of a middle class consumer culture in China.
信息发布:http://www.sei.shu.edu.cn/ 上海高校社会学E-研究院网站
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Shanghai, P. R. China, 200444
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